Darkness, Lightness & The Beautiful Energy Underneath

Have you ever been the police against the wrongness of you? That every time you have a wrong thought or a wrong feeling, that you look to immediately cover it up, and plaster over it with something that appears to be more light or happy?

True happiness and true lightness comes with the willingness to be present with everything that comes up in life and not have to feel that need to eliminate the “wrong” parts of you in any moment.

Within everything you’ve decided is wrong about you, including your thoughts, there is a strength that you have not yet acknowledged.

Come, and bring what you’ve considered to be your wrongness, your darkness, and let’s have some clarity about who and what you really are, beyond all of the self-policing.

We will be sharing the tools of Access Consciousness that you can use to have more freedom in all aspects of your life and finally conquer those monsters of self-judgment that are stopping you from having the life you truly desire.


Price: $30 USD


- Zoom Class with Georgia and Bret 
- Video and audio replay of the class


March 1st, 12pm CDT
(Your local time here)